Today in the world of cut -throat competition if you want to start or survive in the business successfully you need to know about the position of the market , customer point of view , customer’ s need , expectation and competitors ’ position. In short you should be aware of the current position of the market and should be able to decide to possible scenario of the market to strengthen your position in the market as compare to your competitors . Market research is one of the tools which can help you to make profit your business by providing efficient, accurate and valuable information of the market that can be beneficial to your business product and valuation . Market research can be described as the systematic collection and analysis of data about the prominent attributes of the market, such as consumer behavior , competition, necessary reforms , etc . beneficial for the company . Market research is important for any company because it provides decisive information. It helps the company to understand the customers need and their expectation. It also enables the company to change its strategy to be more effective as per customer’ s point of view and to enhance their performance in the market . We can also say that market research provides direct communication with the customer. Market research helps you to launch new product . You can design or focus on the product which is in great demand from the customer’ s point of view . It helps you analyze the factors that can affect your product in both ways good or bad and ultimately measure the success of your business and profit . In such a way it helps you to minimize the risk for your business. By doing time to time market research helps you to measure the success of the business. The research helps in comparative studies , as the company can track its own progress over a period of time , as well as the competition it faces in the market. It can help you to know the exact position of your company in market you can represent it in charts and logs to find out holes in your service or short falls in your product . Regular market research will show if improvements are being made are positive and on the right if any further change is need or not in the strategy . It will help motivate or instruct a team about their skills and success. As the globalization is on its pick the competition in the market is very high the market research is become more vital as it not only represents customer’ s view but also enable to develop business marketing strategy . Today every business has recognized the importance the market research and hence it is become one of the important policies of the any business organization.